
Mathare Memories

Mathare Memories is an interactive, multimedia collection of 68 photographs taken in the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya in 2007. High resolution images and audio files are permanently stored on Arweave and are retrieved for display by on-chain JavaScript running in your browser.

Interactivity: Press 'P' or long press/click and release on an image to play a short audio recording of Matto reading the token's description. Press 'N' or double-click to display the next token in the collection, and press 'R' to return to the token's starting content. Use the greater-than and less-than keys to change the brightness of the matte displayed behind the image.

Royalties: 100% of all primary proceeds and all "creator" secondary fees are being transparently directed to charity. Matto and substratum.art (the platform that powers this multimedia collection) receive no compensation for this project. As a 100% charity project, 10% royalties are expected to be paid on all sales to the smart contract.






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