

"It was raining one day when I was out taking pictures in the suburbs. When I stopped at an intersection, all the water rushed off the roof of the car and poured down the windshield, creating an expressive and painterly scene in front of me. I took the picture. That’s how things happen. Sometimes you discover your methods of working by just making photographs. You go out, walk around or drive around, and make some pictures, expose film. And then through the act of making lots of pictures, something clicks. I’m often shooting straight into the light so shooting through a foggy, dirty, or wet windshield helps cut the brightness and make for a more painterly image. I’ve come to see that pictures that are both in focus and out of focus from the car are like memories—certain parts are really clear and other parts are hazy. That’s the thing that resonates for me in the landscape pictures; they reflect how the mind works. They’re a metaphor for memory". - Todd Hido






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