


Curated artist

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Nathaniel Stern & Sasha Stiles



Nathaniel Stern is an artist, writer, teacher, and father, a full Professor of Art, Engineering, and Entrepreneurship, Executive Director of the Autism Brilliance Lab for Entrepreneurship (ABLE), and co-founder of the climate action startup, Eco Labs. His work across the fields of art and publishing, research and industry, more generally frames and amplifies who and how we “are,” then asks how we “could be,” in more productive and impactful ways. Sasha Stiles is an award-winning metapoet, language artist, and AI researcher working at the intersection of text and technology. Her hybrid practice considers what it means to be human in a nearly posthuman era, and she frequently writes in collaboration with Technelegy, an AI-powered large language model fine-tuned on her own poetry and reference materials. The poem “Still Moving” is by Stiles and Technelegy. Stern and Stiles continue their collaborations on-chain (as well as their individual practices), while also working towards their large-scale, IRL exhibition, MOTHER COMPUTER: Thinking with Natural and Artificial Intelligences.

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Still Moving token #129
Still Moving
Nathaniel Stern and Sasha Stiles profile picture

Nathaniel Stern and Sasha Stiles

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