Instructions for Defacement is a generative art project developed for release on, in which NFTs of unique pen plotter instructions are created upon mint. Each Instruction, which is represented by an SVG, is designed to be interpreted by modern pen plotting software and drawn on an area equal to 5.8125" x 2.34252". All instructions that cannot be executed by a pen plotter are designed to be performed manually. Defacing US currency is a federal crime, and may be punishable with up to six months imprisonment in addition to fines. Neither the Artist nor Plottables LLC condone defacing, mutilating, cutting, disfiguring, perforating, or otherwise damaging US currency. By purchasing an Instruction token the collector implicitly assumes full legal responsibility for the defacement of currency in their possession, and agrees to hold the Artist nor Plottables LLC harmless from all claims, losses, liabilities, public prosecutions, costs, and costs associated with this project. All Instructions exist simply as and artistic exercise, and collectors are strictly discouraged from executing said Instructions using the following tools: Axidraw pen plotters, fine-point pens (ex. Micron, LePen, Stabilo), felt tip and highlighter pens (ex. Sharpie), scissors, and lighters. The token thumbnail represents a simulation of what this may look like if executed on the pictorial area of the United States one-dollar bill. As a token of gratitude, each collector is entitled to a $1.00 rebate, issued in the form of a crisp bank note, when a request is made to the Artist in person. This project was a 48 hour open edition from 11/11/22 - 11/13/22
Creative Credits
Thank you to Matt Jacobson for guiding the physical plotting development for this project. The typeface is traced from Inter, which is licensed under a SIL Open Font License.
Artist Website
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